Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Sabbath Day Online Petition
Pretty self-explanatory. I found out about this petition through Peter Loughridge who posted it on the RP Bulletin Boards but because that is read by even less people than this blog (yes it is possible!) I decided to post a link to it here on DMFWS. It needs more signatures.
As well as signing the petition to Tony (or Gordon or whoever is incharge of the country at the moment!) you can play spot the RP! When I signed I managed to spot 7, see if you can do any better!
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Serving Christ: Two Must-Read Books

Monday, 21 May 2007
The Balmoral Show!
We quickly passed the embarassment over with a food interval and then progressed to try and look impressed by the machinery while farmers were crawling around us! We squeezed out and entered the Government Department Building and as there wasn't an opportunity for me to fail my driving test like previous years, we filled out pockets with tons of pens, pencils, bookmarks, cheap magnets and stickers. Then we hit the Kings Hall, but it was abit of a let down as we weren't really interested in the new PVC Broom that collects 25% more dust. However we did benefit from a cooking lesson from the good people of Sainbury but left early so we could avoid the free samples of carmalised apples and pork pieces as they wouldn't sit well with our eating schedule!
One of our party became sufficiently more interested in the show as a namesake of mine arrived and we hit the stand to relax and watch some quality Show Jumping but quickly left as we realised the voiceover man had possibly the most boring voice ever. We decided to head for the Childrens Area and went on the Virtual Simulator, which altogether was a bad experience as myself, who had never been known to head a Football in my life managed to get a textbook header on the back of another womens skull in front of me!
One of the Highlights of the day was doing Kareoke infront of a huge crowd at the Dale Farm stand, we proclaimed 500 Miles for all to hear and there was even randomers taking video's of us so we musn't be too bad! James is trying to get a video of it up here so watch this space!
As we decided to head home and hit the trains, we narrowly avoided a coach on the road outside the Kings Hall and managed to head home and watch the Show disappear behind the horizon.
Also I used the F.A Cup Final to get out of revision and forget about watching paint dry, this was like watching a tin of paint dry. Incidentally I switched to the Cricket after the first half, apparently it got abit better but I wouldn't know!

Saturday, 19 May 2007
The Mobile and the Bible
There is nowhere where it is out of coverage.
No-one will beat you up for your Bible.
There’s no monthly bill, or pay as you go.
A mobile turns you into a slave who can always be found, the Bible sets you free.
Phones carry possible health risks; the message of the Bible enables you to live forever.
They don’t keep issuing better models with new options every two months.I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our mobile phone?
What if we turned back to go and get it if we forgot it?
What if we referred to it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from God?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we took it out of our pocket to pass the time on a journey?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we travelled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Complete Contrast at Heart

What the Bible says and what the world says is incredibly different. Often this is obvious as the actions of the world are in complete contrast to Scripture but sometimes it is more subtle and can slip in our lives and thinking as Christians. This happens in many ways but the way I noticed recently was through the lyrics of songs. I'm not talking about blatently blasphemous or immoral lyrics but that they show us the world's thinking, which is different to what God says, and the world's thoughts and opinions can sneak under our radar contradicting scripture. This is apparent in what lyrics of popular songs and the Bible say about the heart. The world tells us to trust our hearts, for example
- "Follow your heart"- Robbie Williams "Ben's Brother"
- "Don't think so much/Let your heart decide" - Raven-Symone "True to your Heart" (Disney Ella Enchanted Soundtrack)
- "Don't think so much/Let your heart decide" - Raven-Symone "True to your Heart" (Disney Ella Enchanted Soundtrack)
- "Trust your Heart/Let fate decide" - Phils Collins- "Two Worlds" (Disney Tarzan Soundtrack)
- "Follow your heart/ Let love lead" - Celine Dion - "I believe in you"
This is what Christ said:
For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.' " Mark7:21-23 (NIV)
Bit of a difference don't you think? Even things we regard as "safe" are filled with the world's philosphy contradicting Scripture. The world says that we should trust in ourselves but God tells us that we are to trust and rely upon him and not to trust our own sinful hearts. I'm not saying you should now go and throw out any of your music which reflects the world's ideas and listen solely to Psalms on your mp3 (though it probably would have its benefits!) we just need to be aware of what songs are saying and not let it subconciously sneak into our thinking. Its interesting too the way some of the songs listed up there are from Disney so these thoughts could be going towards younger children as well, I know you can't beat a Disney Classic but maybe we all have to think of the message we're putting out some times and who will be listening.