Friday, 28 September 2007

C.Y in the Mournes

Sorry theres been a delay in this post, cable for the digital camera went missing so that had to be found. Our first lesson this CY term was of perserverance as headed up the Mournes one class Saturday to have a little dander.

Me and our "easy walk"

Now being a Rugby man, I had to leg it up Bloody Bridge an hour and a half after our group had started to try and catch up (some weren't up to the challenge!) in the 35 Minutes it took me to catch up (beat last years record!) I embarassed myself by thinking I saw our group, me sprinting towards them then realising it wasn't our group and swiftly changing direction again. When I did catch up we got to the call, had lunch then headed up and down Donard in time for a Mauds and then parted our ways.

Though on the way, it got me thinking, some of our lives could maybe be described as this. An uphill struggle, until we find God and then looking down at the beauty of life and how we can rejoice in the things we have. Then half way on the journey down we realise it ain't so easy either with our feet getting sorer and sorer and things not going the way we like it. Its at these points I think we've got to really got to stop and trust in the Lord to get us the rest of the way down untill we reach Heaven. There will always be our connection with sin and we will continually disappoint our Heavenly Father but the trust we have in Him to see us through will only develop through this.

Psalm 22 vs. 8 "He trusts in the Lord, let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!"

The Gang

Me and Tom being the tallest people in N.I at that time

Moutains of Mourne
Other DMFWS news, our first meeting of CY took place last Friday night and we opened with Psalm 92 and Dad introduced it, and after a time of prayer we had a time of psalm singing, 1 psalm in James announces that he would like to sing Psalm 92........the unknowing look on his face was priceless as we stared at him with bemusement! Ah it was quality.

Also with severe competition from Jeremiah, Gregg still remains our Hero.


Tuesday, 11 September 2007

"Great Changes"

For my A-level English I am currently reading Charles Dicken's Great Expectations. I'm not very far into it yet but I'm enjoying it so far. Don't spoil it for me and tell me how it ends! At the end of chapter nine the chief protagonist (that's A-level English speak for main character!) and narrator Pip makes a very interesting comment whilst reflecting on the experiences of one day. He says:

"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the
same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how
different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a
moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never
have bound you but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."
As Christians we don't believe in fate but there is a lesson to be drawn from these words. We all know that one day or event can make "huge changes". Whether it is on the world-scale, such as 9/11, or in an individual's life. If you have placed your trust in Christ you will be able to see the impact that it has made on your actions, priorities and life. We aren't however to keep the good news of the gospel to ourselves Jesus has told us to "Go and make disciples"Matt29:18 (ESV). If we share the gospel Christ may choose to use us to tell someone the message that will make "great changes" in their life and place it on a different course, heaven-bound instead of hell-bound.

Picture of the copy of the novel I own. Notice the £2 proudly stamped on front cover, no expense spared by the English Department!

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Lisburn GO Week

Lisburn held their 3rd Go Week this Summer and it was once again a huge sucess.
Our day was pretty much 10 to half 9 for 5 Days solid so I was wrecked after the end.
Over the course of the 5 Days we had different ministries. It went as follows.

  • 10am - Bible Study - Led by one of the Elders each day, studying the book of Acts with a book called Acts - A Church on the Move.

  • 11-11.30am-Coffee Break, a vital part of the day for most, a few cups and biscuits plus a game of pool with Tom to get the body ready for the days work!

  • 11.30-1pm-Literature Distribution, gave out 5000 Leaflets over the course on the topic of 'What does the Church Mean to You', 5 Church Members gave their fews plus pictures, unfortunately we had to post Tom's Ugly Mug through 5000 Homes in Lisburn.

  • 1-2.15pm-Lunch Time, I presume you know what happens during this time.

  • 2.30-3.30pm-5 Day Club, held on a Local Estate Green, biggest encouragement of the week was seen the group of Boys who disrupted the Club hugely (they became very interested in our Lisburn RPC sign and a few cones) on Monday sitting and listening to the Story on Friday. Had about 15 Children come along which was great.

  • 2.30-3.30pm- Caring Ministry-Church Members would go out and visit a Housebound Member of the Congrecation and a short time of Worship was held with them, this was great way to encourage the senoir members of Lisburn from these vistits. One of our members, Mrs.Henry celebrated her 85th Birthday on the visit so a cake and card was presented to her.
  • 4.30pm-Each day we watched a video on the Reformation, most days accompanied with Mauds Ice Cream! We followed the work of men such as John Huss, John Calvin, John Wycliffe and William Tynedale.

  • 7-8pm-After Tea and some relaxment we had our Holiday Bible Club at the Church, focusing on the same theme as the 5 Day Club on Joseph, can steadily growing Numbers at it about 20 most nights, this was an enjoyable time with the kids enjoying themselves and behaving well too.

  • At the same time Door to Door went on with people who had arrived after work, our leaflets were the main started for conversations and a few encouraging discussions were had.

  • 8-8.30pm- Review and Worship, had a short time of devotion led by men from the church and then a comical powerpoint presentation of photos from the days work.

Other Highlights of the week

  • I was introduced to the game which was Sardines, its class!
  • On Wednesday I was out of action as at Pre Season for Rugby had abit of a freak accident and was tackled and my head hit the post (I did not run into it so dont listen to any rumours spreading from Newtownards.) So there was sympathy galore from the Ladies of the congrecation which was all gladly accepted!

  • Our BBQ was held on Friday night which parents of the HBC Kids were invited to and they basically all turned up which was absolutely amazing, never seen so many kids in the church before. Had a great time of fellowship with them. After Uncle Rob had Worship we watched Amazing Grace and was a fitting way to end off the week.
  • Tom was added to my mortal enemy list as he joined some rubbish school in Lisburn!
  • Uncle Robert finished the GO Week with our Guest Service based on Acts 8 - Persecutor to Persuader, see the for the audio sermon! Had a few guests and friends were invited along.
  • Other big news, Lisburn started using the ESV Edition of the Bible last Sabbath which is all exciting stuff.


Jeff beating us at James Bond

Action from the Club

Sister Dearest

Thanks for all your prayers over the course of our Week in was brilliant and hopefully we will see some fruit for our labour over the next few months.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Snow Patrol

Another quest appearance here from Andy about an amazing day in Bangor!!

So James asked me to post something about Snow Patrol...

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Ward Park

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Catherine, Esther, Gillian, Rachel, Erin, Mary-Lynn, Beka and Heather

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Beka, Heather, myself, Sam, James and David

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We Are Scientists

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Snow Patrol

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Nathan from SP

Snow Patrol's first song, Hands Open

Run. Enough said.

All in all, it was a great day. Snow Patrol were immense, ASH and We Are Scientists were worthy support. More pictures here.

Andy Morrison

ps, thanks to Beka for some of the pictures, even though she doesn't know I took them
pps, the right hand side of all the pictures doesn't seem to be showing :( see the full pictures at the link above