Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Glenmanus GO Team
The team headed up to the North Coast soon after the end of the CY Outing. We were greeted at the manse and had a rough plan of the weeks work along with prayer. Soon after, we jetted off to our 5-Star Accomodation at Norman and Nancys where all the team was staying. You could imagine it would be stressful, but truthfully the only bad thing about it was the queue for the shower!
After our day of rest on Sabbath, our work began on Monday, giving out 3000 copies of the Anchor, with the title "Do you have a Credit Crisis?" along with smaller pamphlets on "Points to Ponder" for Portrush. God provided great answer to prayer with this as the weather always seemed to clear up as we were heading out.
Another ministry we carried out was visitation, we met with a number of older people from the congregations aswell as various Nursing Homes in which we sang psalms, gave out the Points to Ponder phamplets and enjoyed the fellowship with the older people. The Team really appreciated this as we saw the joy we were bringing to the generations that have taught us so much. One particular visit will stick in my mind for a long time, as we went to Mr Ernest Lloyds house, where he spent time talking to us and praying with us. I still struggle to find words to describe it, lets leave it at "it was some thing else".
Our other ministry was the Holiday Bible Club, being held in a local school as Glenmanus R.P is undergoing renovations. This was a blessing in disguise, the school provided a lot more space for games and the different groups as well as seperate classrooms where the children felt comfortable. We were studying "Elisha:God's Miracle Maker". So we were able to tell the 60-odd Children that came every night about how God was able to make many incredible things happen through his servant after people had faith in him.
On Thursday was our day at the Giants Causeway. We travelled down to the Causeway and sang Psalms and gave out leaflets on how the Causeway was really formed. God provided great weather for this and the team found it challenging aswell. In our Psalms we chose ones that praised God for his beautiful creation and we hoped and prayed that people passing would spend time listening.
Our work finshed on Friday morning so the team decided to hang about for abit, we visited Mr. Chips for lunch and a review of the week, then we attended Barrys, did the usual favourites, including Freak Out twice! The team then decided to go to Carrick-a-Rede Ropebridge, my first time there, we enjoyed some incredible sights and after crossing the bridge, we found a place overlooking the sea where we spent time in praise and prayer which was an amazing experience as we saw His vast expanse before our eyes as we worshipped.
I hope you've enjoyed my brief outline of the week. My first GO Team was a hectic and tiring, yet challenging and hugely enjoyable experience. Please remember the Glenmanus Congrecation in your prayers in their follow up work that they carry out.
Photos: (coming soon, some things up with the uploader thing at the minute)
Also, please leave a comment, I was struggling at times on the team to either be saying Portrush or Glenmanus Congregation?! Any help with that one?
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
July Quote for the Month
"Wickedly violating the unity of the church will stifle God's blessing... The New Testament picture of the church as a body helps us to understand this. If one organ severs itself from the rest of the body it dies... Local churches can go dead through needlessly cutting themselves off from fellowship with other Chritians. Wrong attitudes towards other true Christians who see things a little differently from us can dreadfully damage our feelowship with God: People lose contact with God through sinful attitudes towards others of God's people." John Benton
Monday, 23 June 2008
June Quote of the Month
For this month's quote, I have chosen a verse from Luke's Gospel
"Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."Luke 12:48 (ESV)
A very challenging verse, and one which everyone needs to act on.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Viva La Vida Review
I want to apologise for the lack of posts on the blog lately. Last minute cramming for the exams has been distracting us from our more important job of blogging! I promise that you will have plenty of posts over the summer, especially in the next few weeks as posts which have languished as ideas in the back of our minds as we've tried to revise will arrive online. Now for something a little different to normal on DMFWS, an album review of Coldplay's latest work by friend of the blog Alistiar Rolleston. Glad to see he's recovered from his slagging because of his hairdryer in the Nantes Report!
Don't Make Friends With Salad
"Since Coldplay’s last album, X&Y, the Voyager 2 Space probe has travelled 1,481,020,200 kilometres. But since I promised James I wouldn’t fill this article with completely useless information, I’ll start focusing on their new album, the oddly titled "Viva La Vida or Death and all his Friends".
But where the album really shines is where Coldplay venture into new, unfamiliar territory. Chris has been reported as saying that there would be a lot of Hispanic influence on this new album, but for me the source of inspiration seems to come straight from Japan, with this new sound no more evident in the song "Lovers in Japan" (funnily enough), a personal favourite of mine, along with its sister track, "Reign of Love", and appearing also in "Lost?" and "Strawberry Swing" (another favourite). The opening track, "life in Technicolor", is a very well written hype track, completely devoid of any form of complex lyrics, and it’s good to hear that the band can still rely on proper musical ability should Chris ever develop laryngitis.
The singles on this album are easy to pick out, but that’s not to say the rest are just plain old fillers. The first single, "Violet Hill", must be commended on its sheer catchiness. The track is vaguely religious in a secular kind of way, and some of the lyrics seem to be pointing to the way money has become the God of this world. The title track, "Viva La Vida" also shows this vaguely religious aspect, with the lines "I hear Jerusalem’s bells are ringing" and "I know Saint Peter will call my name". But the star of that song is the drummer, Will Champion, playing not the usual kit, but only a floor tom, with a kettle drum (timp for those in the know), and what can only be assumed to be a very, very large bell. The inspired use of strings at the start of the track will certainly make it stand out on the radio and get people listening.
Chris Martin’s lyrics are as usual something that can be easily sung along to, and I guarantee that within hours of buying this album you’ll be singing along to your personal favourites like the songs themselves are old friends.
With the future of EMI basically pinned on the success of this hour of music, Coldplay really had to produce something exceptional. It’s not quite up there with the epics of "The Joshua tree" or "Absolution", but I think it’s safe to say that that’s not out of Coldplay’s grasp in the future.
Watch this space people. Watch this space."
Alistair Rolleston
Coldplay's gig at BBC
Monday, 9 June 2008
Mr Bean- The Exam
Friday, 30 May 2008
More Important Than Spuds
Monday, 26 May 2008
Do Muslims need converted?
Unless I'm reading incorrectly the verse says "the way" not "a way" and "No one" rather than "Everyone". Lowe's talk of "one another's paths to God" is heresy. The Bible clearly teaches there is only one way for sinful man to be reconcilled to God, through Christ's death on the cross. Not through Islam and not through our own efforts to get right with God.
Matthew 28:19
Matthew 10:34-36
Doesn't sound like Jesus was asking us to focus on building "good inter-faith relations" instead we've been given a life saving message to spread. Our message is offensive as it tells people they are sinners and need a Saviour and Jesus has warned us that this will bring division and hostility. However ultamitely living in harmony with God and our fellow man is only possible through the Gospel which and nothing can be more beneficial for a community than the conversion of sinners.
It's really sad when professing Christians send out such mixed messages to the world. We have a responsibility and a priviledge to share the Gospel with the world and we should be making special efforts to tell the Good News to those under the delusion of Islam and not being afraid of offending people. In the past missionaries went out from Britain across the world, now the world is coming to Britain and we have a mutli-racial mission field on our doorsteps. Maybe it would help to think of it this way, if you saw someone drowning you wouldn't hold back a life ring incase of embarrassing and angering a non-swimmer, would you?
Friday, 23 May 2008
May Quote of the Month
After Answers in Genesis were recently at the Waterfront, Lorna came home with a DVD on Noahs Ark and after watching I came across a quote which after the latest appeal for GO Team members should gear you up for action this summer!
God has no fans.......we are all players........get in the game!! Dr. Charles Ware
P.S Ryan Giggs told interviewers this week the Champions League Trophy was quite like a Chocolate Orange..........."its not Terrys, its mine......."
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Careers and Empty Dreams
Here's what the Writer to the Hebrews said of Moses:
"He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of
Egypt, for he was looking to the reward." Hebrews 11:26
I don't think Moses would have chosen a career based on money, he was looking to the reward beyond this life. Don't buy into the world's empty dreams.
A Tragedy In The Making
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Major on the Minors
Try and help those in leadership to see that they should be focussing much of their thinking and energy on whether we should or shouldn’t use communion tokens, what dress style is appropriate for worship. If you hear of any straying unto topics like addressing the life threatening seeping away of our young people, helping ministers be better preacher and pastors; in service training for elders, plans for revitalising weak congregations and stimulating growth or even days of prayer, beware for all your efforts at ineffectiveness will come to naught.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Abortion Petition
Proverbs 31:8-9
"to attack the human being in the womb and kill him or her is to assault God. God is making the child. God is weaving a unique image of his divine glory with the purpose of imaging forth that glory in the world. Killing the child is an attack on God's glory and is treason against the Ruler of the universe."
John Piper on Abortion
"Since 1967 there have been almost 7 million abortions, now 200,000 a year, with one in four pregnancies ending in abortion. The 1967 Abortion Act is open to amendment during the passage of the current HFE Bill, so there is now a genuine opportunity to reduce abortion numbers. We must be alert as well to the agenda of the pro-choice activists, abortion providers and some MPs who will push for further liberalisation of the law."
Alive and Kicking Alliance
Please sign the petition.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Incase You Missed It...
Suicide- The Signs to Watch For, The Hope to Find
Dr. Andrew Collins
Hope in a Hopeless World
Rev.David McCullough
Saturday, 19 April 2008
The Practice of Godliness
"For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8
Thursday, 17 April 2008
What a Weekend!
Suicide -The Signs to Watch For - The Hope to Find
Friday 18th April
Dr Andrew Collins
Venue: Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church
Who are the Covenanters? - From the Killing times to the 21st Century
Friday 18th April
Includes Presentation by Professor E.Donnelly
Venue: Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newtonabbey
BNI Conference - Take my life and let it be...
Friday 18th April
Liam Goligher (Duke Street, Richmond)
John Woodside (Drogheda Presbyterian Church)
Venue: Stranmillis College, Belfast Register Online
Hope in a Hopeless World
Sunday 20th April
Rev. David McCullough
Venue: Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
April Quote of the Month
"men usually out of extreme hatred of one error embrace another"
Thomas Manton
Just a bit of food for thought.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Moving Pews
There has already been some opposition voiced to this new technology. The high carbon emmissions could lead to some churches rejecting the technology to protect the environment although strong speculation remains that a Green Pewmover2001 will soon be available for those who prefer a solar-powered system. The fiercist oppostition comes from those who claim such technology is inerrantly evil, such as Rev. J. King of the AFJ church of Atlanta, who issued a statement saying "If stationary pews were good enough for Paul, they are good enough for me."
I believe if the trials, currently ongoing in America, prove Ollirpa's claims that the Pewmover2000 will lead to greater church unity surely we should be considering investing in this new technology? This piece equipment whilst costly could prove to be beneficial in our church buildings and moving pews would make seating for the elderly considerably easier. Onwards and Upwards with the Pewmover2000!
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Nantes Go Team 2008
We all arrived in Nantes on Saturday 15th March despite Alistiar Rolleston's problems getting through security at Belfast International due to the hairdryer in his hand luggage, understandable I suppose that a guy with short hair carrying a hairdryer would raise suspicions. We flew via Standsted and arrived on schedule around Saturday tea time and upon arrival Erin excitedly informed the other team members that on the flight to Nantes she had been chatting with "A magician... he plays the harp for a living".
Our work began in earnest on Monday morning as we started our principal task of distributing "Reflexions", a leaflet containing the gospel message, to as many homes as possible. The part I found to be the greatest challenge was not the miles of walking but my stumbling attempts to convince people that they wanted to open the front door of their apartment blocks to allow me to put Reflexions "dans des boites au lettres" however by the end of the week we had succeeded in distributing a colossal 28,000 leaflets, making the area of Nantes which we covered over10 times the size of Dromore. Noticing all the different names on each of the thousands of letterboxes I was struck by how important this work is and how we need to pray that God will change the lives of those people who would open their letterbox to find this leaflet. Pray that people will respond to these leaflets and that God will grant Malcom wisdom as he deals with responses.
Mark in Action
Andy Tackles An Apartment
On Tuesday evening we organised the "Soiree", an evening's entertainment for the people of the fellowship to invite their friends to, we held a table quiz with a musical interlude (starring Andy, Charlotte and Catherine Ball), an epilogue by Malcom Ball and refreshments afterwards. The evening was quite successful and there many non-Christians present, pray that God will use the message to bring them to a saving faith in Christ Jesus.
As leaflet distribution continued I was given a different task on Wednesday afternoon, mentally exhausting rather than physically, leaving Mark to walk the streets of Nantes alone. Malcom had arranged for me to spend the afternoon with a fourteen-year old french boy named Julian with whom Malcom has been helping with occassional English classes. I found the afternoon very rewarding and thoroughly enjoyed it as we talked about school, holidays, music etc. Pray that God will use this simple, practical help and expression of Christian love to break into Julian's life and that he may be saved.
We also spent an evening with a few teenagers connected to the fellowship and Andrew McKelvey impressively succeeded in explaining "Ah-Saw-Ohh" in French. We played games together, had supper and then they asked us questions about our faith and what it was like to be a young Christian in Northern Ireland.
On our afternoon off we ventured into the centre of Nantes with Denise Ball as our tour guide. We saw the sights of Nantes including: a theater, a strange elephant, a fountain, a cathedral and a castle. My favourite sight however was the delicious crepes which enjoyed for tea! I definately preferred the crepes to the snails which we tried for a starter on the second on Sunday of our team.
Apparently quite a similar design to the new Cullybackey building
Nantes Go Team Eat Snails
We returned to Northern Ireland on Monday 24th after 9 days abroad. I was quite relieved to be able to understand what people around me were saying and being able to read some English again. I really enjoyed the week in Nantes and it has helped me as we remember the mission work in prayer to see the difficulties facing our missionaries. Nantes is a team which involves a lot of practical work so french isn't essential and I think every young preson should take the oppertunity to go to Nantes at least once to encourage the people there and to help you to pray more specifically for the work. If you are any good at French I would go further and say it is your duty to use your gift at languages to help the church in Nantes. Remember to water the seed sown during this week of outreach through your prayers as God's blessing is essential, we are entirely dependant upon him.
"Unless the LORD builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain"
Psalm 127v1a
Monday, 24 March 2008
March Quote of the Month
Any way, back to this months quote, it comes from John Newton himself, if you ever get past the first verse of his hymn "Amazing Grace" you'll find these verses:
"'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace those fears releieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace has bought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home"
Apparently Newton wrote this hymn for a particular sermon of his from 1 Chronicles 17 vs. 16-17 that was preached on New Years Morning in 1773 and it really inspired me reading this. What an encouraging message for a New Years Morning, "and grace will lead me home", i'm sure the people of the congrecation left the church feeling truely uplifted and praising God for His Amazing Grace towards them.
And I think its time we started to realise the same grace that is there for us and we should thank God at all possible moments for it, praising Him in thought, word and action.
A close second in Marches Quote of the Month was a remark by England cricket legend Geoff Boycott after England 2nd Test match against N.Zealand,
"They could've batted better with a stick of rhubarb."
Geoff Boycott on England's poor batting on day one in Napier.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Prepare For Worry
""For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."" Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Ulster or God?

The man who loved Ulster more than God?
Monday, 3 March 2008
Loose Slings
"It is not good to brand things with the name of error till we have proved them to be so... Loose slings will do no good... Oh! then, that in this age we would practice this: Be less in passion and more in arguement. That we would condemn things by reasoning rather than miscalling."
Thomas Manton, The Epistle of James
This month's quote comes from Puritan writer Thomas Manton and is one I personally find very challenging especially when dealing with the issues of abortion and the Kingship of Christ. As Christian we have a duty to speak out on such emotive topics and can easily find our anger justly roused over the state of our nation yet such anger is destructive towards our arguement. Equally we can find ourselves involved in over-heated debates regarding minor theological points with other Christians where sinful pride and presumption can easily creep in. Manton is not saying don't speak out rather to "condemn things by reasoning rather than miscalling".
Monday, 25 February 2008
Extra Day and Other News

Leading Christian lawyers will be speaking at this meeting due to take place on Friday and will be held at Trinity RPC, 8:00pm- 10:00pm.
Other News
Dromore RPC's church website has been redone by Dromore's Short Term Service Worker , Stephen Steele. Sermons are available to download and listen. Click here to check it out.
There will be leaflet distribution in Enniskillen on Saturday 8th March. Volunteers welcome.
Prayer Request: The Year 13 Bible Study starts up again tomorrow in School. Pray that we will all learn more as we study Daniel and that God will use it to equip the Christians in Friends School Lisburn to be better witnesses for him through it.
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Light Shining Out Of Darkness
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the LORD by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding ev'ry hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow'r.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
GOD is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
"Funny As" KJV Video
"Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone." (1 Kings 14:10, KJV)
If only Dad would preach more like this!
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Tested By Fire
Tested By Fire
John Piper
Inter-Varsity Press
In this book Piper gives brief biographies of John Bunyan, William Cowper and David Brainerd and the fruit of the afflictions which they suffered. This book with three brief biographies is about more than gaining knowledge about the lives of other christians or reading an intriguing story. It is easily read and presents real challenges and lessons to be applied in our own lives. Suitable for all christians as it is simple to read and reinforces the crucial lesson of the link between trials and grace.
"Let go of what holds you back from full and radical service" John Piper
Available online from Amazon and Inter-Varsity Press.
P.S. Interestingly if you click on the Amazon link and scroll down, under "Product Description" it quotes from an RP minister in a certain modern, colourful publication.
P.P.S. Check out this clip from TV series ER. "I want a real chaplain who believes in a real God and a real hell!" Watch the clip on Between Two Worlds.
Friday, 15 February 2008
February Quote of the Month
The sermon was based upon Jeremiah 23 vs. 28-29, The Power of Gods Word (feel free to listen online any time at http://www.lisburn.rpc.org/) and from the passage, Uncle Robert had explained how Gods word is like 3 different things, Wheat, Fire and a Hammer. When explaining about the Hammer he said how Gods word is used to:
"subdue the depraved affections of the flesh...even in the elect; but it does not break the elect, for they suffer themselves to be subdued." John Calvin
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day from Don't Make Friends With Salad!
New chat up line?
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Blog Facelift
I would also like to clarify despite the blog's new look there is no truth in the current rumours that the name will shortly be changed to "Don't Make Friends With Methodists". ;)
Enjoy reading the new look blog!
Monday, 11 February 2008
Reaping What You Sow

Friday, 8 February 2008
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
EP Volleyball Competition
Claire prepares for a slam as Dromore defeat Lisburn
2008 Champions in Action (Bun Spot!)
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Heath Ledger
The group mentioned in the article above have a history of crazy protests and this latest one is just one in a long line. Clearly the way they are going about what they are doing is very wrong, and yet they seem to think that by what they are doing they are bringing glory to God.
This story is all over the internet, and everywhere these people are described as a Christian group. What a bad message to be sending out to non-Christians, that this is the way we behave.
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us" 2 Corinthians 5:20 (ESV)
Guest Writer: Andy Morrison
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Satis House
Satis House
A copy less dog-eared than my own!
Monday, 7 January 2008
Prosperity Gospel and John Piper
As always your comments are welcome.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Happy New Year!
"I believe it ought to be our continual aim and desire to go forward, and our watchword on every returning birthday and at the begining of every year, should be 'more and more' (1Thess 4:1): more knowledge, more faith, more obedience, more love."
J.C. Ryle, Holiness
Welcome to 2008 from Don't Make Friends' With Salad.
This year we plan to bring you a quote to ponder on at the start of each month, such as the one above from J.C.Ryle from his book entitled "Holiness". A book well worth spending that money on which you received inside a Christmas card from some distant relative.
In the coming year we hope you'll continue to read the blog as we plan to bring you more articles, more events (including the 2008 Nantes Go Team and Castlewellan) and more guest writers. Also in the next few days we will hopefully be moving to a snazzy dot com address.
Thank you for reading and Happy New Year
P.S. Rumour has it the the blog of Rev.David McCullough (Dad!) has been ressurrected with a post concerning the debate over women ministers in the Presbyterian Church currently raging in Portadown. Click here.