Happy Valentine's Day from Don't Make Friends With Salad!
While considering writing a post regarding Valentine's Day I pondered condemning it as a Papist Holy Day which we should avoid or perhaps as another example of our materialistic culture. Having thought about it further the first option would just have made me seem lonely whilst any blogging hippy could have written the second!
Apparently Valentine's Day is all about love. A day to spend with that special someone or maybe a day to spend wishing that you had a special someone to spend it with. The world often teaches that relationships are the key to happiness, this is a lie. The happiness that you experience with another person will not last forever, it will not make you truly happy and complete. The Bible teaches that there is a relationship much more important than any guy or girl.
If you are not a Christian your most important relationship of all is hopelessly broken. Everyone is born a sinner and is thus seperated from God as he is holy and cannot turn a blind eye to sin. No amount of flowers or chocolate will patch up this relationship. We can only be reconcilled through trusting in the completed work of Christ upon the cross. Your relationship with God is the only relationship which will last forever and bring true joy into your life. You need to sort this relationship out today.
If you are a Christian maybe you should consider spending part of this Valentine's Day reflecting not merely on another individual but on Christ's love for you. Your relationship with him is far more important. It should be our continual prayer that we fall more and more in love with our sweet Saviour everyday.
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."(John 15:13).
James McCullough
M, 17, GSOH,
Enjoys long walks on beaches
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