Thursday 5 July 2007

Strawberries and Cream

As it seemed like every one had headed off to Senoir Camp, I was left on Monday wandering what to do with myself, I turned on the T.V and suddenly remembered how to pass this first week of the Summer, watching Wimbledon! However, this years event has not all been Strawberries and Cream, seeing the covers being pulled on and off every 10 Minutes got me thinking.......

Do we, as Christians, some times pull on the covers, straightaway at the first sign of danger in our lives? Now i'm obviously not talking about stopping the grass getting wet but more protecting ourselves from potential embarassment or maybe verbal abuse. Its a problem i'm sure nearly every one of us has encountered at least once in our lives so we all need to work at it.

Do we some times quickly change the subject after being asked what we did at the weekend? Or perhaps sneak off to S.U in school as we're embarassed by people seeing us?

It is an aspect we must work on in our lives, the Bible gives us always should give us huge hope as in Romans 8 vs 31 'If God is for us, who can be against us?' (NIV)

By now, shouldn't be already be trusting in the Lord as sovereign in our lives after every thing we've learnt, read and heard?

Jesus in Matthew 8 vs. 23-27, rebukes the disciples as they did not have faith in Him as they thought they were in severe danger from the raging seas. So how should we respond to these "storms" in our personal lives? We shouldn't be afraid, rather we should know that Jesus has control over every thing, sickness, weather, demons, the lot.

So rather than pull on the covers straight away, call on the Lord in prayer to help us know that he is sovereign and that it would reflect in our lives.

(I'm heading off to Co.Galway for a few weeks now too so keep watching this space, hopefully it won't be dormant for too long!)

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