So James asked me to post something about Snow Patrol...

Ward Park

Catherine, Esther, Gillian, Rachel, Erin, Mary-Lynn, Beka and Heather

Beka, Heather, myself, Sam, James and David

We Are Scientists


Snow Patrol

Nathan from SP
Snow Patrol's first song, Hands Open
Run. Enough said.
All in all, it was a great day. Snow Patrol were immense, ASH and We Are Scientists were worthy support. More pictures here.
Andy Morrison
ps, thanks to Beka for some of the pictures, even though she doesn't know I took them
pps, the right hand side of all the pictures doesn't seem to be showing :( see the full pictures at the link above
Question:- what has winston church got to do with Snow Patrol
Its a Senoir Camp thing Andy...............duh! Ali
Well...not entirely.
That will probably just confuse you further.
That kinda explains it - but itsreally strange
Yes...why are you waving a picture of Winston Churchill about James? It just does not make any sense/
Hahaha, wonderful job of explaining there...
lovin the winston could have blanked out that towel though! how embarrassing...
There isn't really any logical explanation. Winston's really just Andy and Sam's mascot! Kinda like a teddy bear they always carry with them.
the concert was amazing!
lol the winston website rocks!nice towel abi...
So I finally got round to adding what photos I have to Winston's website. And I changed the domain name to something more respectable looking
if you've got any more, send me them,
aww i remember that towel!! haha good times abi!! lol
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