Saturday 15 December 2007

Homeward Bound

"Homeward bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward bound."

These are the words of Simon and Garfunkel in their song "Homeward Bound". The longing to return home is an emotion we all experience at some stage. The desire to be with those who care for us and to be where we feel safe. This is not however the current experience of the songwriter as he sings "Everday's an endless stream" and "each town looks the same to me". This song reminded me of the difference there is between being a Christian and a non-Christian. Life is often described as a journey, for the non-Christian it is a journey into apparant nothingness with no real meaning but for the Christian it is a journey homeward towards heaven. Whilst the non-Christian may have an earthly home which may bring temporal happiness it will not fully satisfy unlike the eternal resting place awaiting those who have placed their trust in Christ. This confidence should set us apart from non-believers around us as we have a hope and a future whilst their lives have nothing of eternal significance in them. Thomas Manton describes the "best estate" of man as "vanity" whilst "a Christian's worst is happiness".

Homeward Bound is not however a unique title. It also forms part of a title for a Disney movie entitled "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey". If you haven't see the movie a brief plot summary can be found here. The incredible journey of Shadow (the Golden Retriever), Chance (the American Bulldog) and Sassy (the cat) involves passing through great mountain ranges to reach home. On our journey homeward as Christians we face many challenges and trials. There is one moment in which the characters climb the first mountain and believe they will see home on the other side. Instead they saw a great mountain range spanning as far as the eye could see. Often as Christians we feel like we face and endless range of trials yet unlike the animals in this movie we can rely on someone far greater than each other, Jesus Christ the Son of God, "who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy" (Jude 1:24), will be looking after us the entire Homeward Bound journey.


Anonymous said...

Good quote from Thomas Manton; where did you get it from?

I have never read anything by him before.

James McCullough said...

His commentary on James. I'm using it once a week in my quiet time. Not easy reading but Manton comes out with many real gems of quotes like that one.

Anonymous said...

Why is it written at the top of the page: "Say no to line dancing"?

Have you and Ali joined the Free P's?

James McCullough said...

Yes. Burn all the NIVs!
No, its a reference to my inability to line dance as showcased at the EP (Eastern Presbytery not another change of denomination) Party. Whilst attempting the "Hilly-Billy Rock" I first had my left ankle stamped on, then managed to stubb my own finger against my own foot and finally, after realising it was a lost cause, I had my right ankle stood on as I tried to make my escape! Therefore let it be a lesson to all: "Say no to line dancing!"

Anonymous said...

Well James, that is a relief. I thought I was going to have to boycott your blog in the name of Christian liberty. And its good to know that my NIV (or ESV, or NKJV, or NASB) wont be heading for the fire if I leave it lying about in your company.

As for commentaries, I have decided (it has taken me years to figure this out) that big commentaries can only be read profitably when you have plenty of time, and so I now read one for a bit on the Sabbath. Trying to read one daily is too much, though the small ones (Tyndale, Welynn, Focus on the Bible etc.) are manageable.

Alastair McCollum said...

Plus James loves the games more than any thing because he gets to talk to girls and stuff like that........