Thursday 15 May 2008

Careers and Empty Dreams

Every Thursday I have two periods of school for "Careers" lessons. Recently we were told the principle reason for going to university was those with degrees tend to earn more money, our teacher pointed to this article from the Guardian as evidence. Don't get me wrong, I hope to go to university too but money isn't the motivation. We can swallow the world's philosophy so easily.

Here's what the Writer to the Hebrews said of Moses:

"He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of
Egypt, for he was looking to the reward." Hebrews 11:26

I don't think Moses would have chosen a career based on money, he was looking to the reward beyond this life. Don't buy into the world's empty dreams.

A Tragedy In The Making


Anonymous said...

It depends what you are wanting to make money for surely? Remember that those who make more money can give more to the church through the tithe than the poor can. How would ministers be paid if it was not for rich Christians. I am thankful for the people at Dromara (like Stephen Hawthorne) who have been blessed with great riches.

The riches that Moses would have got in Egypt, would have been those stolen from the tax-payer via the oppressive system of state-sponsored theft that the highly Socialistic Egyptian regime employed.

James McCullough said...

I understand your point. I don't think possessing wealth is sinful and I think its great the way some people use it for the church however I'm not convince being driven by personal financial reward in any circumstances is a good thing. Using the university example I think if someone's going to university to make more money they should stop and consider their goals and whether they are interested in storing up treasures in heaven or on earth. We also have a duty to employ the gifts God has given us and in some cases that leads to financial reward in this life.

Anonymous said...

great video!

Anonymous said...

sure james whzats better than a good old carrears talk?

James McCullough said...

Thanks Hannah.

Emm let me think James... a trip to the dentist perhaps! lol

Anonymous said...

There is such a thing as prudent practical decisions. Working in pizza hut for the rest of your life will not allow you to provide for a big enough family to perpetuate the RP church... though you could always just bum off the state. Money is a totally valid motivation in the context of a career choice along with other considerations. I don't think your analogy to Joseph is appropriate.