"Freemasonry Uncovered"

A meeting uncovering the truth about Freemasonary.
Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church
Friday 19th October 7.30pm
A latin saying of the Freemasons is "Aude Vide Tace". This means "Hear, see and be silent". As a church we want people to hear and see Freemasonry for what it really is and we don't want to be silent on it.
"Ministering for the Master"

congregations established and the lost reached with the gospel.
But what is the work of the ministry?
How can you know if God is calling you to it?
This conference will be answering these questions.
Date: Saturday 3rd November Time: 10.00 am - 3.00 pm
Content: Seminars, Interviews, Discussion
Registrar: Rev David McCullough (Tel 028 92690155)
Registration Fee: £5 - payable at event contributes towards lunch, book and information leaflet on RTC
Please register soon if you plan to go
This conference is not some sort of College open day nor if you go will you be forced to sign up for the next intake of students! Neither is it restricted to any age range. This is a conference which all men young and old (Moses wasn't called till he was 80!) should attend as we have a duty to consider how God wants us to serve him and how to help and understand our ministers better.
It says for only men. What if you're a girl and you're called to be a minister, eh?
If you are a girl, then you are not called to be a minister
Indeed Daniel, also, you need a secret handshake to get into the meeting at Dromore.............. :D Ali
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." 1Timothty 1:12-14
Is this true? Considering I supplied Rev McCullough with reading materials I should hope not.
lol! I can sure you no secret handshake will be required foe the meeting about Freemasonry on Friday night!
If you want a good introduction to the Christian case against feminism, then watch this preview of a DVD called the "The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women" (named after John Knox's book) at:
i think they should do like a mission conferance so then people who are called to mission work have something to go to to see whats on offer. for girls too!!! :P
So you're suggesting that the college should be also showing what it has available for those wanting to engage in full-time mission work?
I'll run that past Dad.
So if I'm a girl then anything that I think is a call from God to be a minister is me hearing wrong? (I don't feel a call by the way) What about Sunday School Teachers? The vast majority of them are females. These people are teaching the kids about Jesus, and I think at that age kids are the most able to be influenced so Sunday School teachers have a huge impact on their lives... If girls can't minister to adults, and help them understand more about God, how come they can do so for kids?
The Bible says "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man". Therefore there is a place in the church for woman to teach children and other woman. Sabbath School teachers are not a position created by God and is not a postition of "authority" in the church.
About the call to the gospel ministry. In setting forth the requirements to be an elder, and a minister is an elder, Scripture says "an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife..." therefore excluding eldership to men. This is not sexism or saying women are better than men but different. Does that help?
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