By this stage of the article I hope you're begining to think I've lost the plot. Sadly what i've written in the section above is seems to be the viewpoint of some christians today. And even if your church isn't on the tour of any christian celebrity at the moment doesn't mean its a problem you can ignore. Often in our evangelistic literature or even our witnessing we can try to persuade on the basis that some well-known figure, past or present, shares our faith. There is further danger in glorifying a christian megastar who openly disobeys the 4th commandment. By raising them as an example we are saying that you can opt out of obeying God's law and place a stumbling block in the way of others.
I'm not saying that famous people who are christians should hide their faith, generally they are not the ones at fault, it is other christians placing them on a pedestool. Neither am I saying that churches to which a celebrity belongs should not use tham at all. If Stuart Elliot (Northern Ireland footballer) or Linvoy Primus (Portsmouth FC) were to become a member of Dromore RPC I'm sure when we run our football Holiday Bible Club during the summer we would advertise that he would be helping coaching but to run a special meeting "Come hear [insert celeb] talk about their faith" surely is lowering Christianity to a level of a celebrity-endorsed perfume! Christians are called to use their gifts, not their image. Whilst many seem to think having a celebrity speak at a church meeting is a great idea, in reality what we need at our churches is not the prescence of Jason Robinson, Jonathan Edwards (triple jumper would usually be of preference to anything that was said by the great American preacher) or Andrew Trimble but the prescence of God in our midst. The Holy Spirit changes people's lives, not famous christians.
Celebrity Jonathan Edwards vs The Real Jonathan Edwards
Other News
Sorry this is the first post in a rather long time. Life's been rather hectic of late and I've had to juggle essays with international football (watching not playing). Posting should be more regular in the future.
Rumour has it that the report of the EP weekend written for DMFWS by moi may appear in the messenger in the near future. The more funny bits however had to be censored.
And finally, Oxo have announced plans to introduced a new cube inspired by the England football team. It's white with a red cross on it, they are calling it "The Laughing Stock".
Very sad really.
I read a report recently which said Jonathan Edwards has become an atheist? Can anyone confirm that this is right. If it is, then it shows us that having celebrity "Christians" can do great damage if they turn away from the faith they once professed.
I've heard that aswell. I think that it also reveals the problem that too many christians seem desperate to find a celebrity christian that when a celebrity claims to be saved that claim is not examined too closely rather just accepted without close comparison of their life and profession.
While we have to take a person's profession of faith at face value - unless they are living in a scandalous sin which is contrary to a Christian profession - yet this does emphasise the danger of trusting in men. The Lord uses those whom the world considers foolish to confound the wise, and the weak against the strong. It is to Him that we are to look, not to celebrities.
Indeed. It is yet another example of the world's attitudes influencing the minds of christians.
That does seem to be right about Edwards, Daniel. I read this article in the Times in the summer:
One of the saddest things I have read in a long time. Unlike other "celebrity Christians" he seemed very confident and open in his faith, while also coming across as very humble and God-honouring. For a long time his life was consistent with his profession.
To be fair to Christians who are in the spotlight, as James pointed out in his post, it is often other people who jump on the "celebrity Christian" bandwagon more than they do.
That was the article I read (Steelo linked it). Does anyone know if there are any articles by Christians which can confirm this.
Moreover, I am wondering if the church to which J Edwards belonged has excommunicated him?
While we're on the topic...
"Kaka planning future as evangelical minister when he quits playing soccer"
Yes Daniel, because the Times are going to make up quotes from people...
About Kaka. I do think it is probably different if a celebrity christian has a gift for preaching. Eg Eric Liddell. Would you agree?
"Yes Daniel, because the Times are going to make up quotes from people..."
Now naive. The secular press HATE Christianity, therefore, they will do anything to discredit it. And that includes right-wing papers like the Times. That is why I do not always take everything they say at face value.
Moreover, the Times once made up a story about CS Parnell being involved in the Phoenix Park murders. While I am no fan of Parnell, this was an example of inaccurate reporting.
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