"A British teacher has been found guilty in Sudan of insulting religion after she allowed her primary school class to name a teddy bear Muhammad. Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and will
then be deported." BBC News (read full story here)
This recent incident in Sudan regarding teacher Gillian Gibbons (pictured above) brought back memories to many of the Danish cartoon incident which took place over a year ago. Then the issue was also the dishonouring of the prophet Muhammad. We can easily be angered by such unreasonable behaviour or perhaps as Christians we begin to wonder if we should react in a similar way to the dishonouring of our Saviour, the true prophet, priest and king the Lord Jesus Christ. Should we take to the streets baying for blood in response to Jerry Springer the Opera, the Da Vinci Code or the upcoming Golden Compass movie? After the Danish Cartoons John Piper wrote an article which I found very helpful and I felt I should post a link to it due to the current controversey over Teddy Muhammad. Piper suggests that incidents such as this show a crucial difference between Christ and Muhammad.
My Teddy Bear (I call him Momo for short)
1 comment:
Where it says "Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir pardoned her after talks with two British Muslim peers."
It is clearly meant to say "Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir pardoned her after reading John Piper's article which he found a link to on DMFWS."
More reporting with an anti-christian bias from the media!
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